
Do. 24-03-2016


14:00 - 15:15

Aantal plaatsen:

312 in EYE 1

Event Cinema Ass.

Isabelle Fauchet

Isabelle Fauchet is oprichter en directeur van Live Digital Cinema, een adviesbureau voor distributie en technische ondersteuning van 'live' en opgenomen cinema events. Tussen 2009 en 2013 was ze hoofd van de filmafdeling van het Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, dat de registratie en succesvolle verzending verzorgde van 40 opgenomen en 25 'live' opera- en balletvertoningen. Sinds 2013 adviseert ze distributeurs als More2Screen en leveranciers van alternatieve content over technische en commerciële aspecten van de diverse soorten cinema events. Isabelle is een van de oprichters van de Event Cinema Association en bestuurslid van 2012 tot 2015. 


* Isabelle Fauchet is the founder and MD of Live Digital Cinema Ltd, a consultancy dedicated to the distribution and technical set-up of live and recorded cinema events. Between 2009 and 2013, Isabelle headed the Cinema Department at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, which carried out the successful distribution and delivery of some 40 recorded titles and more than 25 live events, some of which reached over 1,200 cinemas in over 45 countries. Since 2013, she has been working with distributors such as More2Screen and content providers advising on the technical aspects and commercial strategy of cinema events ranging from ballet, opera, rock concerts and museum exhibitions.   

She is a founding member of the Event Cinema Association of which she was a board member from 2012 to late 2015. Since stepping down from the board, she continues to work for the ECA in a wide range of duties including representation of the association and the expansion of membership and the development of benefits worldwide.